World Autism Awareness Day
What are you doing to mark World Autism Awareness Day? Did you know that Thursday, April 2, will be the second time the United Nations has taken measures to recognize the global impact that autism spectrum disorders have?
Perhaps you'll tell someone about autism. Maybe you'll attend a scheduled event (check for more information). Maybe you'll have that conversation with your child who has autism you've been meaning to have for a while -- the one where you let him know that we are all different, but that he has something extra special about him. Maybe you'll read her Different Like Me: My book of autism heroes by Jennifer Elder.
Maybe you have been blessed enough that you can donate toward an organization that promotes autism awareness. If so, please consider donating to Good Friend. Your gift is tax-deductible and will be applied directly toward programs that create autism awareness, teach acceptance, and foster empathy.
You can donate through this website, through our Facebook Cause, or by mailing a check to Good Friend, Inc., 808 Cavalier Dr., Waukesha, WI 53186.
If you're an educator or school administrator, contact Chelsea or Denise to invite Good Friend to come to your school to provide a staff in-service, general student assembly, and/or peer sensitivity workshop. We can travel outside our service area for a modest mileage allowance.
However you observe the day, be sure to thank someone who cares for a child or adult with autism. We certainly appreciate you!